
L.M.I.R. - Lego Modular Imperium Romanum - Project

The project will produce sets based on the ancient Roman Imperium. The sets will be modular, the players can put them together to a big (or even small) roman city. The concept's basics (requirements for all sets):

- Educational: each set based on real knowledge, realistic and scientific. This allows that the sets can be used in schools for learning.
- Artistic: each set must be impressive, attempting to appropriate the ancient art.
- Challenging: the sets must be suitable for beginners and for the advanced builders, offering a good time while creating.
and not at least
- Playable: with each set you can play, and feel as you would live in the ancient Rome.


Unknown said...

Hey. I simply love your sets their really great.
Do you buy all the pieces and put it together before you take pictures of it or what?

bigboy99899 said...

Hi! This pictures are rendered, digitally built creations.

Unknown said...

Do you have parts lists available? Thanks

bigboy99899 said...

Sorry, not yet, because many of the builds are Ideas Projects.

Paladine said...

Could you PLEASE post the LDD files? I would love to create these in the real world. Gratias ago tibi!

bigboy99899 said...

I would like to create a website with my models, and available instructions. It is huge work, please be patient. If available i will send it to you. Thanks!

Paladine said...

Any updates on the plans? I'd really like to build your creations. Would you mind simply sharing the LDD files or whatever you used to design these? You can always create the website later.

Gratias ago tibi!

bigboy99899 said...

@Paladine: please give me your e-mail

Paladine said...

Sure thing, use lego@voidpointer.org. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hello, Love the sets! very sad they never got created in Lego :-/ any chance I could get my hands on the LDD files for all the sets? I would love to make some sort of Lego Roman animation and have your buildings in it.

If you would like to send me them that would be so awesome!

if so here is my email - morgothislordofall@gmail.com

I hope you have a good day!

Unknown said...


I was wandering if I could get my hands on the LDD for your awesome sets?
I would like to make some sort of Animation with them maybe.

my Email is morgothislordofall@gmail.com if you would like to give me the LDDs

any how I hope you have a good day!

Unknown said...

Oh my! I just noticed I posted two times!I am so very sorry, my internet is very bad and it shuts off some times and I thought it did not post the 1st! So so sorry!

Unknown said...

Please, email me the LDD, too!
I need this for my history hour in a few days,



Dominik said...

Hi, I'm a huge fan of your project! If it's not too much to ask, could you please send me the LDD files to the sets? I have a history project that they would fit well in!

My email address is domzych@gmail.com

Thanks so much!

bigboy99899 said...
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bigboy99899 said...

Hi! Thank you for the compliments! Sorry, but the LDD isn't available.

Jettelenja said...

Hallo, nachdem unser Sohn im letzten Frühjahr - inspiriert durch Ihre Bilder - eine römische Landvilla mit Garten, etc. für den Lateinunterricht gebaut hat, möchte unsere Tochter nun den Circus Maximus nachbauen. Würden Sie uns ggf. weitere Bilder und/oder die Datei zusenden können? Wir schicken gerne Bilder von unserer Villa und den Details - haben dazu ein Fotobuch erstellt;-). Herzlichen Dank und viele Grüße Jettelenja

bigboy99899 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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